Recare Catering & Hospitality

Candidate Registration Form

    Recare Recruitment records your CV on a password protected cloud-based database and these details are stored in this database for 2 years or until no longer required, whichever is the sooner. We will use your data for the following reasons: To send your details to those Companies that we are working with for the purposes of helping you secure a suitable next position. These companies will be pre-agreed with you. To communicate with you as your application progresses. To send you marketing material about our company and also in relation to vacancies that may be of interest to you. If at any time, you would like to view the data we store in relation to you then please contact Gareth Gurrieri. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, there is not a charge for this retrieval. If at any time you would like an amendment or deletion of the data we store relating to you then please contact Gareth Gurrieri. Your personal data will not be transferred to any third party other than those companies above and any others that we agree subsequently. Please tick the box to confirm that you consent to Recare Recruitment processing and holding your data as outlined above.
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